
A Querc From The Merc, Vol 7

How good are you as a player? As a team? How good are we as coaches?

It’s all subjective and largely based on who your competition is, but as Bill Parcells said you are what your record says you are. Stats don’t lie either. They both go hand in hand.

As an organization we try to teach fundamentals and proper mechanics to our players. When coaching we use strategy to put players in the right situation to be successful. As coaches we pick up drills and ideas from other teams and appreciate feedback from opposing coaches. The best coaches after losses make adjustments the same way batters adjust at the plate.

Case in point: flashback to last Saturday. Hot day, 3 games and first time getting the 16/18U team together. Game 1 goes well, Game 2 not so much, Game 3 really bad.

Sunday we get a rematch from game 2 the previous day. Coaches made adjustments and hitters started taking ball the other way and laying off tough pitches which produces a win.

After the game the opposing pitcher (who was very good) congratulates us and proceeds to tell us that she just completed her freshmen season in COLLEGE.  She mentions that her entire team will be college sophomores in the fall. I reply that we are freshmen and sophomores in high school and she friendly replied “I know! You guys are really good!”

I smiled with pride and appreciated the feedback and shared it with the girls who deserved to know. It also showed that competition goes beyond wins and losses.

Good luck to Ramsey, IHA, West Milford, and IC in states. Congratulations to all our high school players on a tremendous season.



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