North Jersey Vipers Big
Picture Talking Points
Who is Bob Germano?
Bob Germano is a Founder and Owner of the NJ Vipers and has been coaching competitive fastpitch softball for over 20 years. His teams have won countless tournaments, including two USSSA NJ State Championships and finals appearances in two Nationals championships. His players have received HS Coach’s Awards, All League, All County and All State honors. They have won League, County and State HS Championships Many have and continue to play at the college level. Bob has been featured on WFAN radio, various magazines and newspapers and is respected throughout the North Jersey and Tri State softball community.
Bob’s 2003/04 18U Premier team is/ was considered one of the better teams in the entire Northeast Region. He has won the USSSA NJ State Championships with two different groups at 12u and 16u
Bob grew up in Park Ridge, NJ where he holds the single season record for hits, 1st Team All County, Associated Press 1st Team All State/ All Groups and was inducted into the PRHS Hall of Fame in 2003. He continued his career at Seton Hall University where he played with 11 players who were drafted into MLB and 3 who went on to play in MLB. He is still engaged with the PRHS & SHU programs.
Bob played competitive men’s fastpitch softball for over 25 years including nationally ranked teams and tournaments…sometimes playing 150+ games per year.
Bob lives in Old Tappan with his wife Liz, daughters Lindsey and Raegen…and their dog Max.

There is no need in the marketplace for another average softball club
We cannot afford to be complacent…we are either getting better or getting worse
95% of what we do is what everyone else does. The 5% difference needs to be why we are the program of choice & where we work the most
Our history & past successes are things we are very proud of and are not by accident, but we certainly do not rest on them
We are always trying to add more value to our experience and deliver “+1”! We say what we do and do what we say.
We are always trying to add more value to our experience and deliver “+1”! We say what we do and do what we say.
Ultimately, We Do 5 Things: 1) Teach, 2) Practice, 3) Prepare, 4) Compete & Have Fun!
Viper Philosophy
- We are all in on our players
- No two players are the same
- Play players where they have best opportunity to succeed
- Not all comparisons are linear or can be made
- Errors & mental mistakes are part of the game
- Training Opportunities…can be the best value add! Make a
difference! - If recurring challenges, dealt with Case by case
- Difficult decisions are sometimes necessary
- No conspiracy theories or hurtful agendas

- Advanced, Competitive Softball for multiple levels
- Competitiveness evolves at different paces for different levels
- Springboard to Middle School, High School and College levels
- Provide a local, Northern NJ/Rockland County program that can
compete with top regional & national programs - Promote multi-sport athletes
- Teamwork/Accountability/Sportsmanship/Discipline/Emotional
- Practice Scared
- Prepare for the big moment
- Love the game and it will love you back
- We are judged collectively, not individually

- Support the players and parent’s goals…whatever they may be
- Support the players and parent’s goals…whatever they may be
- 10U: Intro to competitive softball (avoid burnout)…competitive instruction
- 12U: Build on 10U, understand how game changes, more advanced, play a little deeper into the summer. 2nd year teams will compete in a Nationals tournament
- 14U: Starts resembling higher levels, enhanced commitments,
intro to a showcase events. This is not a casual commitment!
Can include Nationals - 16U: All HS players, introduction to college showcase events
continues - 16U: All HS players, introduction to college showcase events
continues - 18U: Advanced…showcase driven. VERY Competitive
- 18U Premier: Our most competitive showcase team for 18U.
- Legends: If choose to not pursue college athletics, continue
your career as a Senior in high school and prepare for your
senior season!
- Acknowledge and do not overtake local Town Travel Teams 8U-12U
- Provide training and skillsets to gain access and succeed at any
event - We make softball players! You will learn many positions and play
many positions

- 11 Month Commitment…no Fall/Spring Splits
- June-July tryouts/ team selections
- June-July tryouts/ team selections
- Practices begin late August
- Fall training into December/ Xmas time (slows
down Thanksgiving to Xmas) - Winter training begins January 2nd.
- Spring/Summer Season from mid March through
the end of July (High school ages dark from +/-
March 1st through Late May/Early June - Repeat
- Note: Vipers does not just happen. Private lessons
are encouraged and imperative. To compete here
you need to work on your own - We cannot guarantee a # of wins and losses…but
we do guarantee (if you work) that you WILL get
better and learn how to compete!
Coach: What if we train and coach these kids and they leave
the Vipers?
NJV: What happens if we do not do it and they stay?
Coach, practice, compete and prepare properly; treat them
well and make sure they have fun and do not ever want to
Viper Fees
- We Deliver +1…always trying to create Raving Fans!
- We invest $$ back into our kids at every opportunity we can! Hence, +1!
- “Bobby, the Vipers should do FILL IN BLANK, and why don’t we do THAT?”
- The answer is, we can do whatever we want…but what are the costs, and does it truly add value/ enhance the experience?
- NICE to have vs NEED to have
- Tradeoffs…do what you do but do it well. Prefer to be great at the few things we do than just ok at many things. No need for another average softball club!
- We are a Vipers Program only…not an indoor factory open to the public
- We stay true to who we are and know what we are not
- “GFE” Offer Letters with breakdowns, descriptions, etc.… No mystery. We say what we do! Program Scope on the website.
- Uniforms/ equipment shopped for cost, delivery & experience…savings passed on to families. Balance quality and price point. Uniforms change +/- every 3 years
- ALL recent changes came from committees of players & coaches
- ALL recent changes came from committees of players & coaches
- Always surveying marketplace and weighing our value proposition vs. others
- Our brand and experience have tremendous value
- We avoid ongoing fundraisers yet strategically deploy a few
- We avoid ongoing fundraisers yet strategically deploy a few
- Snap! Raise
- Poker Night
- Funky Chunky
- Facility rental to “friends and family”
- Online payments and online store
- Payments are due when scheduled
- No refunds…remember, we go All in on our players.

Yes, we can get every team their own RV,
but at what cost? Would be cool though.

Viper Philosophy For Seasons

- 1 practice and/ or weekend event
- Learn new players, coaches, plays
- Expectation Setting/ Assimilate to (next) level
- Identify/ Implement what needs to be installed offensively and defensively
- Combo of Scrimmage games/ Fall League/ 1 Day Tournaments/ Tournaments/ Showcases
- Medium schedule…more casual
- Try and play as long as weather permits
- Fall sports for multi-sport athletes OK…roster sizes and schedules adjusted accordingly. Arranged through coaches
- Organizational Practices/ clinics avail
- Recommended to end with an “event” for holidays

- Start in January
- one weeknight, one weekend hitting practice
- Additional time availability in Den on 1st Come 1st Serve basis
- Players invited to practice with other Viper teams, coordinated by coaches if conflicts
- Teams encouraged to play one indoor winter event to benchmark training…all players play! Budget managed by manager and coaches. Can fundraise for more
- Clinics…offered during winter and are a standing part of the annual agenda

- +/- 7 tournaments is the norm (based on how manager budgets & schedules)
- Practices: @ 4/1, as needed and as can be scheduled. Gets tough for various reasons at each level. No level immune. Rec/MS/HS. Field availability & more
- 10U-12U: The Vipers encourage Summer Town Travel teams. Avoid scheduling through some but not all local summer events and local tournaments as best we can
- 12U-16U may play “Nationals”
- 14U-18U: Will include summer high school teams, college camps. HS levels begin mid-June
- Season ends near or at end of July