Zero Tolerance

The Vipers” deploy a zero-tolerance policy toward any form of violence, intimidation, and harassment, understood as but not limited to: physical hitting, shoving, kicking, throwing of objects, unwanted sexual advances, all forms of physical assault; abusive language or e-mails, social media posts, texts, threats, harassment, and intimidation; any attitude or action that can be reasonably construed as violence, intimidation or harassment toward another person.

Viper ownership has posted and communicate this policy to all members and stakeholders, especially managers, coaches, administrators, parents, and players, and advise them of their responsibility to report all incidents that can reasonably be construed as violence, intimidation, or harassment.

Social Media: Coaches, players, parents (and/ or guardians) are not to be sending, posting, texting, “snapping” or any other similar form of social media any content that can be construed as negative, harassing, discriminatory or intimidating towards any other member of the organization or opponent.

Viper ownership has posted and will communicate this policy to all members and stakeholders, especially managers, coaches, administrators, parents, and players, and advise them of their responsibility to report all incidents that can reasonably be construed as violence, intimidation, or harassment.

Upon receipt of any report of alleged violence or intimidation, the ownership and Player Agent, with an appointed sub-committee, will conduct an investigation to determine if the allegations are substantiated. The investigation will commence within 7 days of the reported incident.  Incidents must be reported in writing.

If the allegations of misconduct are substantiated, one or more of the following consequences will be recommended / considered to be implemented:

  • Be given a verbal/written warning that the action/behavior must stop immediately.
  • Be reprimanded verbally before the board and in writing and placed on probation for one year.
  • Be suspended from managing/coaching/administrating any team for any length to be determined, and/or restriction from any and all activity associated with The Vipers.

It is the intent of “The Vipers” to ensure a safe, productive, and professional softball & baseball environment.  All decisions will be rendered with these principles in mind.