
Updates, 9/16/20

Putting these updates on a variety of topics in bullet point fashion.


  • Storage shed delivery on 9/15/20 that will allow the indoor facility space to fully open.  Should have all misc items “off the floor” by 9/17.
  • Facility will bet getting additional lighting.  I believe space is very functional.  Team assignments for usage to follow this week.
  • Facility protocols will be published as well.
  • Coaches will be required to come in and get an orientation for facility usage.  We will not assign unless they come in for orientation.  Safety first…then functionality.  We will post some Best Practices on the website
  • Fields: We have access to 7 different field venues throughout the fall.  Believe it or not this is the most we ever had.  Unfortunately some overlap times and evenings, which is both good and bad and there are some nights we are shut out (Tuesdays for example).  Kind of random but to let you know…we are the lowest priority for field usage.  Town sports go first.
  • We have published on our website Protocols for Harassment, Concussion and our Code of Conduct (“COC”).  The “COC” is what was acknowledged and agreed to in the registration process and signed by all parents/ agents.
  • Our Headbands (10’s already received) and face masks are in.  We will be distributing to all teams.
  • Buckets.  We will be announcing a “Bucket Contest” over the next few weeks.  I think this will be a lot of fun.  This will coincide with when we distribute
  • Batting Gloves.  We have distributed what we had in inventory and have placed the new order.  They will arrive in November as they are custom orders.
  • Waivers.  Please remember to sign the daily CoVid Waivers for daily eligibility.
  • Helmet Stickers & Numbers: Coaches…please advise who needs Helmet Stickers and Helmet #’s.
  • Blast: We have ordered the sensors for all of our new players.  More to follow on distribution and Viper webinar launch party!
  • Sports Recruits.  If you have not gone in and set up your profile you need to go and do that.  We also sent out a bunch of SR webinars on functionality, usage, etc….  These are very educational and will help you a great deal.  While we make this part of our HS level platform, we will not force our players to use SR.  Almost like your introduction to college.  It is your responsibility to go to class, do the homework and prepare for the tests.  Same here with SR.  It is your responsibility to manage your profile and your usage.  While we champion it and embrace it…and we engage with players who do use it…if a players opts not to use it that is their choice.
  • If you teams have Insta/Twitter/FB pages/ accounts, you need to tag us in every post.  Parents, we ask that you do as well so we can re-post/retweet and/ or comment amap!
  • We want to hear from you!  If you have questions. suggestions or ideas to make the Vipers better, bring it on!  While we are everywhere, we admit we do not know everything and the best ideas come from those around us who see things from different perspectives…things we would never think of.


Thank you for being Vipers.

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