
Sports Fee Insurance Now Available



We are proud to announce we have made some important enhancements to our no refund policy that you should be aware of.  To explain everything, we have a flow for you to go through and we ask that it be filled out by everyone as soon as possible.  We hope you will take the time to review and complete the form in its entirety. Follow this link to view the flow –



The Vipers now offers sports fee insurance through USSCI.


We all know that every year there is a chance a player(s) cannot finish the season – usually from injuries, but other reasons as well. Not to mention the players that are out for a limited time due to concussions, rolled ankle, etc.  No one wants to pay for something that they are unable to use.  We are very aware that this exists and To help address this, we are offering Sports Fee Insurance through USSCI.  We have partnered with USSCI to get you covered for 30% less, coverage is only 4% or 6% of your fees.  We strongly encourage you to consider if this coverage is right for you to protect the financial commitment you are making for your athlete.


This insurance will reimburse you, or pay owed club dues, for the time that your athlete cannot play due to:

    • Injuries – Injuries that leave the athlete unable to play for 30+ days
    • Illness – Illness that renders the athlete unable to play for 30+ days
    • Death – The Death of the Athlete or Parent
    • Mental Illness – Player forced to withdraw from the program due to a Mental Illness
    • Job Relocation – Moving out of the area for your employer greater than 75 miles
    • Job Loss – A loss of employment in the household from a W2 employee



If Your Athlete Cannot Play – Let USSCI Pay


You can fill out the form here-


Feel free to contact our Agent Kyle Pivnick at USSCI with any questions. 214-360-8742 or  Amounts will be pro-rated to what has been paid/ what is left etc….  Kyle will review your coverage, amount and term options.


Please know the Vipers do not profit in any way based on your election.  This is a courtesy offer to our families.  With so much going on in the world right now this is a way for us to assist you in preparing for the unexpected, and USSCI helps in ways we never have considered before.  This is just another step in our commitment to continue to offer new and exciting solutions to enhance your Viper experience.


There is no requirement or expectation for you to purchase this protection whatsoever.  We do ask that you review it to make an informed decision if something like this is right for you.


If you do not complete, The Vipers will take the position that is was reviewed and declined should inquiries be raised that would otherwise be covered herein.



Bob Germano, NJ Vipers



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We are proud to announce we have made some important enhancements to our no refund policy that you should be aware of.  To explain everything, we have a flow for you to go through and we ask that it be filled out by everyone as soon as possible.  We hope you will take the time to review and complete the form in its entirety. Follow this link to view the flow –



The Vipers now offers sports fee insurance through USSCI.


We all know that every year there is a chance a player(s) cannot finish the season – usually from injuries, but other reasons as well. Not to mention the players that are out for a limited time due to concussions, rolled ankle, etc.  No one wants to pay for something that they are unable to use.  We are very aware that this exists and To help address this, we are offering Sports Fee Insurance through USSCI.  We have partnered with USSCI to get you covered for 30% less, coverage is only 4% or 6% of your fees.  We strongly encourage you to consider if this coverage is right for you to protect the financial commitment you are making for your athlete.


This insurance will reimburse you, or pay owed club dues, for the time that your athlete cannot play due to:

    • Injuries – Injuries that leave the athlete unable to play for 30+ days
    • Illness – Illness that renders the athlete unable to play for 30+ days
    • Death – The Death of the Athlete or Parent
    • Mental Illness – Player forced to withdraw from the program due to a Mental Illness
    • Job Relocation – Moving out of the area for your employer greater than 75 miles
    • Job Loss – A loss of employment in the household from a W2 employee



If Your Athlete Cannot Play – Let USSCI Pay


You can fill out the form here-


Feel free to contact our Agent Kyle Pivnick at USSCI with any questions. 214-360-8742 or  Amounts will be pro-rated to what has been paid/ what is left etc….  Kyle will review your coverage, amount and term options.


Please know the Vipers do not profit in any way based on your election.  This is a courtesy offer to our families.  With so much going on in the world right now this is a way for us to assist you in preparing for the unexpected, and USSCI helps in ways we never have considered before.  This is just another step in our commitment to continue to offer new and exciting solutions to enhance your Viper experience.


There is no requirement or expectation for you to purchase this protection whatsoever.  We do ask that you review it to make an informed decision if something like this is right for you.


If you do not complete, The Vipers will take the position that is was reviewed and declined should inquiries be raised that would otherwise be covered herein.



Bob Germano, NJ Vipers



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