
Querc From The Merc, 3/3/21

Players: Don’t say you don’t have time for extra practice/ workouts, pitching/ hitting lessons, lifting, etc when you’re spending endless hours a day on on social media. Put the phone down & prepare! You’ll be surprised by how much you can accomplish by spending some of that time getting better #Priorities

Motivational Softball Slogans

  • Outplay, Outwork, Outlast!
  • Played Scared!
  • Yesterday’s home runs don’t win today’s games.
  • Our blood, our sweat, your tears.
  • One TEAM One DREAM.
  • Be great today!
  • Victory requires payment in advance.
  • All out, all the time.
  • Do your job!
  • Get your name in the paper!
  • Heroes Get Remembered, but Legends Never Die

Dear Senior Softball Players:

The season will be over before you know it. One short season. That is all you have left of your high school career. It will come and go faster than you could ever imagine. One day this won’t be your life and you will want it back so badly. You will miss everything about the sport once it’s over. You will miss the bus rides with your teammates, the smell of fresh-cut grass, the cheering from your family and friends, the big hits, league and tournament championships, and senior day!

The purpose of this is to remind you to enjoy every last bit of it. Take it all in, do not let a second pass you by. As a senior, many lasts will be happening but don’t forget to be present in the moment. With that being said remember the slogan #GiveMe5MoreMinutes


The following video is great way to remember your last year as a high school softball player. Doesn’t matter the sport – it’s the message #ClearEyesFullHeartCan’tLose



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