Welcome To Our Fundraising Event Page!

Never Heard Of The Nerds?  The Nerds have been one of, if not the top touring cover band in NJ for the past 30 years!

Watch Our 2023 Video Here  

Welcome to our Event Page for A Night with The Nerds ’24!  There will be a fixed quantity of tickets available, so act fast.  Once our limit is sold, we cannot offer any more.  Tickets are sold by The NJ Vipers directly.

Please note the NJ Vipers is an LLC entity.  You will need to consult with a tax professional on tax implications 

You can purchase tickets for entry several ways:

Click here for the # of tickets you wish to purchase via credit card:

1 Ticket    2 Tickets    3 Tickets    4 Tickets    5 Tickets    6 Tickets

$125 per Ticket Via Venmo: @robert-germano-1.  Please email the attendee information of who you are paying for to vipersnj1@gmail.com

Contact the NJ Vipers for 7 or more ticket requests at vipersnj1@gmail.com

Event Includes: Entry to the event to see The Nerds. Open Bar, Buffet, 3 Raffle Tickets for Basket Offerings* 50/50 Raffle**

Attendees must be 21 or over

Sponsor our Event!  Your support helps cover costs of putting on this event while supporting our players!  Sponsorships to our event are sold through Valley Charities.  See Below

Virtual Program:  Support your Viper or promote your business!  Sold through Valley Charities for the NJ Vipers event @ $125.  See Below

Home Run Sponsorship – donations of $500 or more will receive their name and logo on event signs in a premium location at the event & a shared sign with all sponsors.  Home Run sponsors will be featured in advertising and promotional materials highlighting the event.  You will also receive single slide exposure in our event slideshow loop and will be prominently featured on our website at www.northjerseyvipers.com, that will/ can link to your site.  .

Triple Sponsorship – donations of $250 will receive their name and logo on a shared sign featuring all sponsors at the event.  Triple sponsors receive shared exposure on our event slideshow, feature in the online event program, and a banner advertisement on our website sponsors page at www.northjerseyvipers.com, that will/ can link to your site.

Double Sponsorship – Donations of $125 will receive their name and logo on a shared sign of all sponsors at the event, listed in the “singles” sponsorship page in the event slideshow, and listed in the “Single” sponsorship page section on our website sponsors page at www.northjerseyvipers.com that will/ can link to your site.

Single Sponsorship – Donations of $125 are also available to support your Viper!  Viper families can purchase, submit pictures and well wishes to their Viper to be featured in our event slideshow and online program on our website www.northjerseyvipers.com

All payments will be made to Valley Charities Inc and can be tax deductible.  Please consult a tax advisor for details.

Cannot Attend? Make a donation to Valley Charities for the NJ Vipers

Valley Charities, Inc.  PO Box 217  Emerson, NJ 07630 or Venmo to @valleycharitiesnj.  Please note for NJ Vipers

Valley Charities is a registered 501 (3) (c) organization.

* hosted and facilitated by Valley Charities

**  hosted and facilitated by Valley Charities but not included in event admission price

2023 Sponsorship Page   &  Event Program

All proceeds from this event are used to help our players with indoor training venues, competition events, hiring & retaining coaches and equipment.