Fundraiser Disclaimer/ Info (Re-Post From 8/19/22)
North Jersey Vipers Softball…We Are Kicking Off Our Digital Fundraiser On 8/24/22 And Will Run Through 9/21/22.
Friends & Fans Can Donate Here
** Funds raised will be applied to offset tuition costs only and members cannot profit from this venture. Should funds raised exceed amounts paid or due, those funds will be donated to the Vipers organization (ex. $500 tuition and a $1,000 donation received, the $500 variance will be a donation to the Vipers). Funds can take up to 30 days to be received and upon receipt by the Vipers, you will be contacted on how to adjust your account. You can choose to donate a portion of the amounts you raise to the organization if you wish. Net proceeds represent an 80/20 split to you/ the platform. Any transaction fees will be netted out should they exist, although none are expected. Net proceeds are defined as what our vendor delivers from your fundraising efforts. Any funds raised from these efforts outside the platform are subject to Vendor net proceeds calculations unless they were disclosed prior to this kickoff. Any funds received through these efforts remain with the Vipers, regardless of amounts owed, due or paid. If a membership is terminated, funds received are subject to our No Refund Policy.
NJ Vipers 8/19/22