
To Poach Or Not To Poach…We Choose NOT! (Part 2, Updated 1/31/24)

We shared the below article about a year ago.  Although we cannot say that we have never had someone with our organization attempt to recruit in season from another organization, I can say it was never with our knowledge or endorsement; we have never promoted or practiced this.  I received a text last night from a parent saying how they were being aggressively pursued and harassed by a rival organization (everyone in N NJ and the surrounding area knows this organization).   The parent has politely said “no” several times, and the coach keeps contacting them.  The coach has also had other parents and contacts reach out to recruit our player.  The coach attempting to recruit our player, said “I see you are with the Vipers.  You need to leave them and come here”. 

I provided suggestions on how to respond.

I am in sales and know the difference between follow up, persistence, professionalism and inappropriate.  We choose to show respect to other organizations, just as we expect it back. Unfortunately this organization makes it a habit to try to poach us.  They are successful at times, mostly not.

We also had a coach come here, use our track record, brand and reputation to recruit players for a team, gained access to our intellectual property, and pirated the team to start their own program.  Hence why our Player/ Parent Agreement addresses these types of things, as the NJV will protect our interests through whatever legal means necessary.

There are ways to do things and ways not to.  These are examples of  how “not” to do things, at least in our view and validates why we do not practice this.  I understand the free market and nobody is under contract (as stated we have protective language in our Player/ Parent Agreement).  Still, there are ethical and respectful ways to build teams and organizations.  We do not believe these are the ways to do it, especially in season.  Tryout season is fair game.

I will close with this: whenever we play organizations, at any level, that have hit us with these practices, there will be no let up.  If we score 25 runs and I am asked my thought about such a lopsided score…I will respond by saying “my only regret is that we did not score 26.”


Bob Germano



To Poach Or Not To Poach…We Choose NOT!

We have long had a policy here at the NJ Vipers that we do not poach players from other organizations.  We do not want it done to us and choose not to do it to others.  We have tryout periods, we will post for openings and if a prospective player approaches us, we will have a discussion and explore possible synergies.

We have experienced this season other programs actively trying to poach our players, and we hear that others are considering to start and will be looking at our players…actively soliciting them.

We believe our approach is the right one…it demonstrates how we are ALL IN on our kids.  We know that we are never a finished product.  We are always looking to get better as we anticipate and embrace changes.

Our parents should take solace in the fact that we do not pursue a poaching approach to grow our organization.  Our reputation, transparency, track record and approachability have shown to be more than enough to always grow our program.  We will continue to pursue that path.


Bob Germano


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