Open Hitting Clinics: Better Than I Ever Thought!
I have to say that I am enjoying doing these hitting clinics more than I even thought I would. I knew I would like it, but I LOVE it! I know I speak for Coach Jerry too. Jerry and I have said for years that our players need to work on certain things batting wise to get to the next level, and get our teams to the level other teams have achieved before them. We (The Vipers) have always relied on outsourced lessons or instructors. While we do not discourage that and even promote it, the reality is not all players will pursue that…or have the time or financial means to pursue that. This opportunity brings our instruction in house and gets our players the extra work they need and hopefully begin to crave…at perhaps the most affordable price ever! Our philosophy and approach works. It is tried and true. Players should work with who they are comfortable with, but we are pretty good
We say all the time to “Practice Scared”…there is even a banner in the Den that says it. This is an example of that. Practicing Scared means to put in the extra work to outwork your competitors; to be ready for the moment when it presents itself. For the first tewo and next few weeks we are focused on building the foundation so that we can get to next level stuff…handling inside/ outside/high/low pitches; varying speeds; “Plus” fastballs (have to be able to hit a fastball, no exceptions). We will get to bunting, slashing, 2 strike approaches, moving runners and “getting your name in the paper”.
Thank you all who have come so far, and we look forward to hosting those who have not made it yet. Hopefully this becomes part of your weekly routine. I can say for sure we have loved EVERY minute of this, and are honored to offer it.