A(Nother) Querc From The Merc (Forget It…He’s Rolling!)
What are college coaches looking for in potential recruits
Versatility / Athleticism: can you play multiple positions? Can you play the outfield and infield? Are you willing to try a new position in practice and will you volunteer to help out the team if it means a position change? Can you get a bunt down during a squeeze play? Can you steal a base or get caught in a pickle to score the runner from 3rd?
Offensive production: Can you move runners over? Can you get the runner in from 3rd? Can you get a big hit, extend the at bat or be an RBI machine?
Competitiveness: Do you refuse to lose, give in or give up, even when you are down 5 runs or when you face an 0 – 2 count at the plate? Will you lay out to make a diving catch to save your team when the game is on the line?
Good Attitude & Coach-ability: Are you always hustling – in and out each inning? Do you help warm -up the outfielders if you are not playing? DO you cheer your team on regardless of the score? Do you ask questions about what to do in a given situation?
Good Grades in School: Are you always trying to get better? Are you content with just Cs? DO you go for extra help? DO you do extra credit?
Girls- the best way to stand out is to set yourself apart from everyone else!