
A Querc From The Merc, Fall 2019 Edition

A) According to a recent study, less than 5% of high school athletes never miss a class or a practice…..Guess what percentage of high school athletes play sports in college?

You guessed it….less than 5%

B) Parents, as we talk to our daughters regarding the recruiting process, please stress the importance of how to have a conversation: good posture, make eye contact, a firm handshake, speak confidently without using words or phrases such as “um” and “like”  A first impression goes a long way!

c) Great Quote from Geno Auriemma, Head Coach of Uconn Women’s Basketball, ” If you go to class and do average work you get a C, if you want a B you have to do more work and if you want an A you have to do even more work. You have to give up stuff – you have to sacrifice”

Now substitute “Softball Practice or Pitching/ Hitting Lessons” for “classroom” and you you control the outcome…do you want to be a 1st Team All League/County/State player or are you content with Honorable Mention?

D) Follow the 2021/ 2022 Vipers this weekend as they showcase their talent at the Rhode Island Thunder in Plainville, Mass follow @RealNJVipers for updates


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